

short cv






picture of tim


Tim is a published researcher with a broad knowledge in discrete optimization, operations research, artificial intelligence and related areas. He has joined Amazon Development Center Germany as a Machine Learning Scientist.


2013 Forecasting with In-Memory Technology, with Stephan Kolassa, Martin Lorenz, Christian Schwarz. Foresight.
2013 RTP: Robust Tenant Placement Robust Tenant Placement for Elastic In-Memory Database Clusters, with Jan Schaffner, Megan Kercher, Tim Kraska, Hasso Plattner, Michael Franklin, Dean Jacobs. Proc. SIGMOD.
2013 Generating Realistic Tenant Traces for Enterprise DBaaS, with Jan Schaffner, Proc. SMDB.
2012 Rapid Energy Consumption Pattern Detection with In-Memory Technology, with Christian Schwarz, Felix Leupold, Tobias Schubotz, Hasso Plattner, International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, v5, n3-4.
2012 Demand Forecasting with partial POS Data using In-Memory Technology, with Martin Lorenz, Christian Schwarz, Enno Folkerts, Ralf Heimburger, Arzum Akkas, David Simchi-Levi, Nataly Youssef, Proc. of 32nd International Symposium on Forecasting, Boston.
2012 Symmetry Breaking with Polynomial Delay, with Barbara M. Smith and M.R.C. van Dongen, Constraint Programming Letters.
2011 Branch-Cut-And-Propagate For The Maximum k-Colorable Subgraph Problem with Symmetry, with Marc E. Pfetsch, CPAIOR 2011.
2010 The Maximum k-Colorable Subgraph Problem and Orbitopes, with Marc E. Pfetsch, Discrete Optimization.
2010 Arities of Symmetry Breaking Constraints. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Symmetries in Constraint Satisfaction Problems (SymCon 10).
2009 Foundations of Symmetry Breaking Revisited with Barbara M. Smith and M.R.C. van Dongen . In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Symmetry in Constraint Satisfaction Problems (SymCon 09).
2007 Symmetry Breaking for the Maximal k-colourable Subgraph Problem, Diploma thesis, TU Berlin, October 2007
(available per email).

short cv

09/2013 machine learning scientist at Amazon Development Center Germany, Berlin
09/2011-08/2013 researcher and developer at SAP Innovation Center Potsdam
2011 post-doc at TU Braunschweig
12/2007-12/2011 phd student in computer science at UCC
2007 diploma in mathematics at TU Berlin
2005 - 08 student research assistant at ZIB
2004 - 05 exchange year at IMPA

scholarships and grants

2011 COST Action STSM grant for visit to TU Braunschweig
2008 - 10 embark scholarship of the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology
2005 - 07 scholarship of the Cusanuswerk
2004 - 05 scholarship of the DAAD


2011-2013 EPIC, Hasso Plattner Institute (visiting researcher)
2012 Mathematical Optimization Group, TU Braunschweig
late 2007-2011 Computer Science department, UCC
2008-2011 4C

visits and conferences

September 2010 SymCon'10 and CP 2010, St. Andrews, Scotland
June/July 2010 Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany and TU Braunschweig, Germany
September 2009 SymCon'09 and CP 2009, Lisbon, Portugal
July 2009 ACP Summer School in Cork, Ireland
May 2009 Member of the organizing commitee of "Fair Democracy? Mathematics of social behaviour". The annual meeting of mathematicians and computer scientists of the Cusanuswerk
January 2009 School of Computing, University of Leeds, England
July 2008 ACP Summer School in St. Andrews, Scotland
2005 - 06 IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

talks and posters

April 2013 "Leveraging SAP HANA for Complex Computations: Initial Experimental Results", with Enno Folker, Chirag Kothari, Carsten Schumm, Florian Schweinfurth. Poster at International Conference for Performance Engineering, Prague
October 2012 "Demand forecasting using in-memory computing and SAP HANA", seminar talk at Coral Seminar, School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark
June/July 2010 "Symmetries in CP and IP", seminar talk at Zuse Institute Berlin and TU Braunschweig
December 2009 invited lecture in ST4401 Introduction to Operations Research
November 2009 presentation as mid-term PhD evaluation
September 2009 poster and talk at the Doctoral Program of CP 2009, Lisbon, Portugal
September 2009 presentation at SymCon'09
July 2009 presentation at ACP Summer School in Cork, Ireland
March 2008 presentation of PhD project at UCC


City of Cork Symphony Orchestra
Sunship String Quartet
Praxis Dr. Januschowski